How to prepare yourself During this Pandemic

Regular exercise relieves stress. It also helps combat sleep problems. Include stretching and deep inhaling your pre-exercise and post-exercise routines. These also help regulate mood.

Protect Yourself First

You will have less stress when you know you’re protecting yourself properly against Covid-19 infection. follow all the guidelines that health care experts given during this time.

Keep your home clean. don’t allow anyone who isn’t a household member into your home. don’t allow household members to interact face-to-face with others. If you have a pet, don’t allow it to interact with other animals. Sanitize everything you’ll bring into the house from outside.

Make a daily plan 

Preparation lessens stress. Since you want to limit your trips outside to buy essentials, make a list of all your needs so that you’ll get everything in one go. Maximize each trip to incorporate the supermarket, the pharmacy, and the other important errand. refill for a minimum of a month’s worth of supplies just in case of an unexpected lockdown.

Keep Calm and think positive

You know you’re doing everything possible to avoid Covid-19 infection. You already have a plan. Your directives are beat place.

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